Installation art.


Back in the winter, I finally put in an application to have the 5 cubes project at this year’s Nuit Blanche. Since it was accepted as an independent submission, and since Nuit Blanche barely more than 2 months away, I launched a kickstarter yesterday to raise money for the last of the materials.

Please visit it, share it with anyone you think might be interested (and encourage them to share it too!), and hopefully even contribute.




I have once again made the migration from my winter mooring to my summer mooring, and made sure that my address on my website is up-to-date.

Unusual public post.


Normally, any post I make here that isn’t essentially notice of a change of address or relationship status or anything of that sort, is kept relatively private. I’m going to make an exception of this post, because I feel pretty strongly that the public debate on the Snowden leaks about NSA activities is hamstrung by ideologies, and missing some very important points.
Read more…



Last Thursday (Oct 18), I moved the boat from my summer mooring to my winter mooring. My website has now been updated to reflect this change.

Address change.


I have moved the boat back from the winter mooring to the summer mooring. The address on my website has been updated to reflect this change.



In keeping with this statement on my website, nearly all the posts on, and the recently-mirror-ish livejournal are either restricted to logged-in users (OpenIDs are accepted), or friends-locked.

Already having this system in place, it’s not been much additional effort to have a few filter groups in which I can really geek out on some topics without boring the hell out of everyone else who doesn’t share an interest in those topics (not that I get around to that much). I recently added/forked a few topics, so I’m reposting the list (publicly even) to allow you to request inclusion on a filter (or exclusion from a filter) and as a general notice that these access controls are in place. Anyhow, the topic filters I currently have are:

  • Bicycles
  • Burning Man
  • Guns
  • Magick and the Occult
  • Mathematics, Science, and Technology
  • Queer
  • Sailing

Address change.


I have moved the boat from the summer mooring to the winter mooring (well within a couple of slips; the summer occupant of the winter mooring is having engine trouble, and was still there when I arrived). The address on my website has been updated to reflect this change.



Once again, I have moved back to the island (yesterday morning). My website has been updated to reflect my change of address.

Back on the island.


Just brought the boat back to the island. My basic information page has been updated to reflect this change in address. outage


Due to a disk failure in an already degraded RAID array, the main server: went down at roughly 1914 EST (-0500) last night, and all the contents of /home were lost.

The server was brought back into operation at 0103 this morning, and the following websites, largely unaffected by the data loss, were running again:,,,, and (except that the images linked to from are actually on
Mail service also resumed, and no mail was lost.
By 0230, was restored from backup (with the exception of the images which are still being restored from backup as this is being written).
The sudden interruption in service caused a (very) slight, but not automatically repairable error in the database server, which was repaired by 0304.
The gallery2 site, was storing all its images in /home, and they remain to be re-uploaded from their original sources (in at least one case, this is a blessing in disguise).

User directories (and outside sites) have typically been the user’s responsibility to back up. My own user directory is being restored from backup right now (and includes the images still missing from Additionally, for the bulk of mp3s, videos, etc. in the affected filesystem, The Pirate Bay is being used as a backup, since it requires much less effort than heading out of town to get my CDs/DVDs out of storage, and re-ripping them.

In other news, bringing the server down to install a replacement disk also provided an opportunity to switch to a vserver-enabled kernel. I’ve got a few spare IP addresses, and I’m doing some contract work that involves vservers, so if you’ve got an excuse for me to hone my vserver skills a little, I’d love to hear about it.
